Reports Research and Data

Accessing research and data

Agencies with relevant policy responsibilities can request access to the research and data held by the Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Unit, which supports the board:

Systemic reports

Intimate partner homicide of 'Kelly' (PDF, 797.6 KB)

Domestic and family violence death of 'Tricia' (PDF, 1.2 MB)

Domestic and family violence death of 'Frank' (PDF, 1.2 MB)

Research reports

Systematic Review of Criminal Justice Responses to Domestic and Family Violence (PDF, 3.0 MB)

Other relevant research

Sharman, L. S., Douglas, H., & Fitzgerald, R. 2021. Review of domestic violence deaths involving fatal or non-fatal strangulation in Queensland. (The University of Melbourne/The University of Queensland).

Under the Coroners Act 2003, the State Coroner may allow researchers access to coronial information for the purpose of conducting genuine research. In 2020, the State Coroner approved Dr Leah Sharman, Dr Heather Douglas and Dr Leah Fitzgerald to access to data on coronial investigations into domestic and family violence related homicides that have occurred in Queensland. Accordingly, this research has not been endorsed or approved by the Board, and therefore the content and findings do not represent the views of the Board or individual members.


Domestic and Family Violence Death Review and Advisory Board - Response to Review of the Family Law System (PDF, 1.1 MB)