Inquest proceedings list

Please note the dates for the inquest proceedings listed below are subject to change - the table below is updated at the end of each month.

General: Please call the CCQ Main Phone Line on (07) 3738 7050 if you have any queries in relation to the listed hearing dates or details.

Media enquiries: Accredited media can contact the DoJ Media Unit for assistance (requests must be made in writing via email) at

Key: NPO Non-Publication Order; DTBF Date to be fixed.

All matters have been listed by alphabetical order (last name).

Name of deceasedHearing datesCoronerInquest issuesNPO
Abdi, Raghe Mohamed; Antill, Maurice Frederick; Antill, Zoe DorotheaAdjourned DTBF for findingsDeputy State Coroner Stephanie Gallagher1. The findings required by s.45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the deceased persons, when, where and how they died and the cause of their deaths.
2. Examine the circumstances surrounding the deaths of Maurice and Zoe Antill at their residence on or around 16 December 2020.
3. Examine the circumstances leading up to the shooting of Raghe Abdi by police on 17 December 2020.
4. Whether the engagement and monitoring of Raghe ABDI by State and Commonwealth law enforcement officials prior to and following his release from custody in September 2020 was sufficient having regard to their statutory functions.  
5. The sufficiency of the monitoring and response by the Queensland Police Service to alerts related to Raghe ABDI’s Electronic Monitoring Device (EMD), including the tamper alert on 16th December 2020.
6. Whether the applicable Queensland Police Service policies and procedures associated with EMD, the response to alerts and associated notifications are sufficient.  
7. Consider whether the actions of the attending police officers, who were involved in the shooting of Raghe ABDI, were appropriate in the circumstances.
8. Consider the adequacy of the police investigation into the deaths.
Ali, JeffreyCurrently awaiting submissions prior to second pre-inquest conference scheduled for 25 March 2025 at 10:00am in Court 4 at BRISBANE Coroner Stephanie Williams1. The findings required by s. 45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the deceased, when, where and how he died and what caused his death;
2. The circumstances surrounding Mr Ali’s death, including identification and management of the risk of persons being struck by vehicles or machinery at the workplace;
3. The response of the Office of Work Health and Safety Prosecutor to the death, including the basis for decisions about prosecution action; and
4. Whether any preventative changes to procedures or policies could reduce the likelihood of deaths occurring in similar circumstances or otherwise contribute to public health and safety or the administration of justice.
Angus, Steven RichardInquest scheduled DTBF for further hearingDeputy State Coroner Stephanie Gallagher1. The findings required by s.45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the deceased, when, where, and how he died and what caused his death; and
2. Consideration of the circumstances leading up to the death including:
Mental health diagnosis, treatment and care
a. Steven’s co-occurring substance use disorder and other mental health disorder/s, and the appropriate treatment for mental health consumers suffering the mental health condition/s with which Steven was diagnosed.
b. Whether Steven had access to such treatment and absent Steven’s consent, could he be compelled to undergo such treatment?
c. What is the role of the Veterans Liaison Officer (‘VLO’)13 where a Veteran presents to a HHS in the context of a mental health crises, and what, if any interaction did Steven have with the VLO prior to and on 20 April 2023?
d. In all the circumstances, was the treatment afforded Steven, for the mental health condition/s diagnosed, appropriate?
e. Whether there was any failure to provide appropriate care that caused or hastened the death?
f. Whether any aspect of the care actually provided, caused or hastened the death?
g. Whether, in all the circumstances, there was an appropriate assessment of Steven’s suicide risk on 20 April 2023.
h. Consideration of suicidality amongst ex-serving Australian Defence Force (‘ADF’) members such as Steven.
i. Consideration of ‘subject precipitated homicide’, including the effect, if any, on first responders.
3. Whether the Police Officers involved acted in accordance with the Queensland Police Service (‘QPS’) policies and procedures then in force, and whether said actions were appropriate.
4. Whether any changes to procedures or policies could reduce the likelihood of death occurring in similar circumstances or otherwise contribute to public health and safety or the administration of justice.
Bahram, Mohamad IkraamAdjourned DTBF for findingsState Coroner Terry Ryan1. The findings required by s. 45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the deceased, when, where and how he died and what caused his death; 
2. Consideration of the circumstances leading up to the shooting of the deceased by Police on 23 February 2020, including his mental health treatment:
a. Mr Bahram’s pharmacological treatment;
b. The challenges in diagnosing Mr Bahram and engagement with him by health professionals;
c. The risk management screening tools used in respect of Mr Bahram and his deterioration in mental state;
d. Whether a Police and Ambulance Intervention Plan (‘PAIP’) for Mr Bahram would have assisted his healthcare;
e. Whether the information sharing provisions between the QPS and Qld Health with respect to persons experiencing a mental health incident were sufficient in the lead up to Mr Bahram’s death;
f. The training provided to QPS officers in relation to persons experiencing mental health incidents and the use of the co-responder model in responding to such matters;
3. Whether the police officers involved acted in accordance with the Queensland Police Service (‘QPS’) policies and procedures then in force, and whether said actions were appropriate;
4. Whether the training provided to officers in responding to similar incidents is sufficient;
5. The adequacy of the investigation into the circumstances surrounding Mr Bahram’s death; and
6. Whether any preventative changes to procedures or policies could reduce the likelihood of deaths occurring in similar circumstances or otherwise contribute to public health and safety or the administration of justice.
Baxter, Matthew RileyInquest conference scheduled for 10 March 2025 Coroner Stephanie Williams1. The findings required by s. 45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003 (Qld); namely the identity of the deceased, when, where and how he passed and what was the cause.No
Bell, Dylan JamesInquest conference scheduled for 23 - 25 July 2025Coroner Melinda Zerner

The findings required by s. 45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the deceased, when, where and how he died and what caused his death; and:

1. The adequacy of the mental health assessments of the deceased conducted by Redland Hospital on 27 September 2022, including whether the collateral information obtained was sufficient in the context of the deceased’s presentation;

2. The appropriateness of the management of the deceased in the Emergency Department of the Redland Hospital on 27 September 2022 following both self-harm attempts by the deceased within the Department;

3. The adequacy of the discharge plan put in place for the deceased by the Redland Hospital including whether it sufficiently addressed the deceased’s risk of harming himself or others and sufficiently involved the deceased’s family;

4. Whether during the deceased’s admission to the Redland Hospital on 27 September 2022 there were any missed opportunities to recognise and respond to an acute deterioration in the deceased’s mental health; and

5. Whether any preventative changes to procedures or policies could reduce the likelihood of deaths occurring in similar circumstances or otherwise contribute to public health and safety or the administration of justice.


Bernard, Allison NeridineAdjourned DTBF for hearingCoroner Nerida Wilson1. Findings required by s 45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003, namely whether or not Allison Neridine Bernard is in fact deceased and, if so, how, when and where she died and what caused her death;
2. If deceased, the circumstances surrounding her death; and
3. If deceased, whether the actions of any other person contributed to her death.
4. The adequacy of the police investigation.
Brodie, Hazel Mary RitchieInquest conference scheduled for
1 - 3 April 2025 
Coroner Melinda Zerner

1.The findings required by s 45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity Mrs Brodie (deceased), when, where and how she died and what caused her death;

2.The adequacy and appropriateness of the treatment and care provided to the deceased by the Gold Coast University Hospital between January and August 2017 with respect to the management of the deceased’s heart failure;

3.The adequacy and appropriateness of the treatment and care provided to the deceased by Dr Feather, Dr Kapadia, Dr Thompson and Dr Deshpande during the period 19 August 2017 through to the deceased’s death with respect to the management of the deceased’s heart failure.

4.Considering the deceased’s medical co-morbidities, was there any clinically justifiable medical intervention that would have altered the outcome for the deceased during her hospitalisation from 19 August 2017 and her death.

Campbell, Jamie BrianAdjourned DTBF for findingsState Coroner Terry Ryan1.The findings required by s 45(2) of the Act; namely the identity of the deceased, when, where, and how, he died and what caused his death.
2.The circumstances surrounding the death including the reasonableness of:
a.The actions of the QAS Officers in administering Droperidol to Mr Campbell.
b.The monitoring by QAS Officers of Mr Campbells health status following the administration of Droperidol.
3.Whether the Ambulance Officers involved complied with the Queensland Ambulance Service (‘QAS’) policies and procedures then in force.
4.Whether the training provided to Ambulance Officers to respond to like incidents is appropriate.
5.Whether the Police Officers involved complied with the Queensland Police Service (‘QPS’) policies and procedures then in force.
6.Whether any preventative changes to procedures or policies could reduce the likelihood of death occurring in similar circumstances or otherwise contribute to public health and safety or the administration of justice.
Carrick, Audrey YvetteAdjourned DTBF for findingsCoroner Carol Lee

The findings required by s. 45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the deceased, when, where and how she died and what caused her death; and;
1.Whether anticoagulation therapy should have been instituted to Ms Carrick at an earlier time.
2.Whether Ms Carrick’s pre and post procedure heart failure was recognised and treated appropriately.
3.Whether a failure to implant a pacemaker contributed to Ms Carrick’s death.
4.Whether there are any further recommendations which can be made which could prevent deaths from happening in similar circumstances in the future.

Charlwood, Anthony Michael; Evans, Krystal ReneeInquest scheduled for 18-19 March 2025 at 10:00am in Court 15 at SOUTHPORTState Coroner Terry Ryan

1. The findings required under Section 45 of the Coroners Act 2003, namely the identity of the deceased persons, when where and how they died, and the causes of their deaths.

2. The appropriateness of Acting Sergeant Lyons' actions in attempting to intercept the motorcycle.

3. The adequacy of the Queensland Police Service investigation into the circumstances surrounding the deaths.

4. Whether there are any further recommendations that can be made which could prevent deaths from happening in similar circumstances in the future.

Conley, Darcey-Helen;  Conley,  Chloe-AnnAdjourned DTBF for findingsState Coroner Terry Ryan

1. The findings required under Section 45 of the Coroners Act 2003, namely the identity of the deceased persons, when where and how they died, and the causes of their deaths.

2. The appropriateness of the response by Child Safety, Metro South Health and the Queensland Police Service to the child protection needs of Darcey-Helen Conley and Chloe-Ann Louise Conley.

3. The adequacy of the relevant policies and procedures of Child Safety, Metro South Health and the Queensland Police Service prior to the deaths.

4. The adequacy of the current policies and procedures of Child Safety, Metro South Health and the Queensland Police Service, having regard to any action that has been taken in response to the deaths.

Crocker, Jordan RobertPre-inquest conference scheduled for 28 January 2025 at 10:00am in Court 4 at BRISBANECoroner Ainslie Kirkegaard

1. The findings required by s. 45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003

2. An examination of the factual context in which Mr Crocker proceeded with the job knowing he had to enter a restricted ceiling space with the power on;

3. A consideration of safety proposals including product design, safe installation practices for electrical equipment, in particular air-conditioner units, in restricted ceiling spaces;

4. Whether there was a missed opportunity to fit a residual current device (safety switch) to the air-conditioner unit involved in Mr Crocker’s death;

5. The regulatory framework regarding electrical safety when working in ceiling spaces at the time of the Jordan’s death and potential regulatory changes;

6. Whether there are any further recommendations that can be made which could prevent deaths from happening in similar circumstances in the future.

Doherty, Janis EllenAdjourned DTBF for findings. Currently awaiting submissions.Deputy State Coroner Stephanie Gallagher

1.The findings required by s45(2) Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the Mrs Doherty (deceased), when, where and how she died and what caused her death.

2.Whether the treatment and management of the deceased provided by Dr Michael Walsh, Neurologist, was appropriate, including:
a.Whether it was appropriate to prescribe sodium valproate for the symptomatic management of migraines suffered by the deceased in the context of her known cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL);
b.The appropriateness of his education and monitoring of the deceased for the signs and symptoms of the side effects of sodium valproate, including liver dysfunction;

3.Whether the treatment and management of the deceased provided by Dr Parvin Delshad, General Practitioner, was appropriate;

4.Whether the treatment and management of the deceased provided at the Caboolture Hospital in the period 10 April 2020 to 20 April 2020 was appropriate, including:
a.The appropriateness of the timing of the decision to cease sodium valproate on 14 April 2020;
b.Whether L-carnitine should have been administered to the deceased?
c.Whether a liver biopsy should have been performed and, if so, when?
d.Whether the deceased should have been seen by a Hepatologist at a time earlier than she was?
e.Whether the deceased should have been transferred to the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital at a time earlier than she was?

5.Whether the treatment and management of the deceased provided at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital on and after 20 April 2020 was appropriate, including:
a.Whether it was appropriate to recommence the deceased on sodium valproate in the period 27 April 2020 to 3 May 2020?
b.The appropriateness of the timing of the liver biopsy performed on 30 April 2020;
c.Whether L-carnitine should have been administered to the deceased?

6.Whether any aspect of the treatment and management provided to the deceased from 1 November 2019 caused or hastened her death?

7.Whether any failure to provide treatment and management to the deceased from 1 November 2019 caused or hastened her death?

Dubois,  Garry ReginaldPre-inquest conference scheduled for 12 March 2025 at 10:00am in Court 5 at BRISBANEDeputy State Coroner Stephanie Gallagher1. The findings required by section 45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003;
2. Whether the supervision of Mr Dubois was adequate and appropriate in the three
months leading up to his death;
3. Whether the medical care afforded to Mr Dubois by the Maryborough Correctional
Centre was adequate and appropriate in the three months leading up to his death;
4. Whether the mental health care afforded to Mr Dubois by the Maryborough
Correctional Centre was adequate and appropriate in the three months leading up to
his death; and
5. Whether the provision of razors to Mr Dubois in the three months leading up to his
death was appropriate.
Edwards, Brad ArthurAdjourned DTBF for findingsDeputy State Coroner Stephanie GallagherScope of inquest on death required by s24(1) of the Coroners Act 1958;
1. the fact that a person has died;
2. the identity of the deceased person;
3. when, where, and how the death occurred;
4. the persons (if any) to be charged with murder, manslaughter, the offence of dangerous driving of a motor vehicle causing death as set forth in the Criminal Code, section 328A, or any offence set forth in the Criminal Code, section 311.
Essery, Christopher GlenAdjourned DTBF for findings. Currently awaiting submissions.Deputy State Coroner Stephanie Gallagher1. To determine the findings required by s 45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003, namely the identity of the deceased person, when, where and how he died and the cause of his death;2. Whether the care afforded to Mr Essery at the Cairns Base Hospital was appropriate;3. Whether the care afforded to Mr Essery at the Princess Alexandra Hospital was appropriate; 4. Whether any aspect of the care afforded him caused or hastened his death; and
5. Whether any failure to provide him with care caused or hastened his death.
Forrester, Alexandria CatherineAdjourned DTBF for findingsCoroner Carol Lee

1. Whether the medical treatment afforded to the deceased under the Queensland Opioid Treatment Program and the prescription of Methadone was appropriate and in accordance with the Queensland Medication-Assisted Treatment of Opioid Dependence – Clinical Guidelines 2018 (2018 Clinical Guidelines).

2. Whether the dispensation of Methadone to the deceased and her agent was appropriate and dispensed in accordance with the 2018 Clinical Guidelines.

3. Whether the Queensland Medication-Assisted Treatment of Opioid Dependence – Clinical Guidelines 2023 (2023 Clinical Guidelines) are adequate to minimise the risk of opioid overdose, in particular with respect to the prescribing of self-administered doses of Methadone, and the appointment of agents to collect those doses.

4. What Queensland Health measures are in place to communicate and address any potential concerns or non-compliance with the 2023 Clinical Guidelines amongst health services providers and between health services providers and pharmacists, and whether those measures are adequate.

5. Whether the actions of any person caused or contributed to the deceased’s death.

6. Whether any changes to the 2023 Clinical Guidelines could reduce the likelihood of death occurring in similar circumstances or otherwise contribute to public health and safety or the administration of justice

Francis, GlenInquest adjourned DTBF for hearingState Coroner Terry Ryan1.The findings required by s.45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the deceased, when, where and how he died and what caused his death.No
Freear, Benjamin AnthonyAdjourned DTBF for findingsState Coroner Terry Ryan1. The findings required by s45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003;
a. The appropriateness of the police response to reported concerns about Benjamin Freear on 7 December 2019;
b. The appropriateness of the actions of attending police officers on 8 December 2019;
c. The adequacy of the police investigation into the death of Benjamin Freear;
d. The diagnosis of Benjamin Freear with ADHD in April 2018;
e. The mental health treatment provided to Benjamin Freear from April 2018 to the date of his death.
George, Milton HarrisonAdjourned DTBF for findingsState Coroner Terry Ryan

1. Consideration of the circumstances leading up to Mr George’s death on 9 November 2022 including his mental health and substance misuse treatment and access to rehabilitation services.

2. Whether the involved Police officers complied with the Queensland Police Service policies and procedures in force:

a.   at the time Mr George was placed on an Emergency Examination Authority on 11 June 2022;  and

b.  during his arrest and subsequent admission into the Watch house up until his death.

3. The appropriateness of Mr George being assessed as a Level 1 prisoner according to the Queensland Police Service policy at the time.

4. The appropriateness of the infrastructure of the Kowanyama watchhouse,

5. The appropriateness of medical care administered to Mr George by QPS and Kowanyama clinic staff after being found unresponsive.

6. The adequacy and appropriateness of training provided to the involved police officers and QPS policies in relation to operating the Kowanyama Watchhouse, particularly in relation to risk of suicide.

7. Whether there are any further recommendations which can be made which could prevent deaths from happening in similar circumstances in the future.

Gilligan, BridieAdjourned DTBF for findings. Currently awaiting submissions.Deputy State Coroner Stephanie Gallagher

1. The findings required by section 45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003 
2. Whether the care and level of supervision provided by Ms Lowry to the deceased on 29 April 2021 was appropriate.
3. Whether the systems and processes the Endeavour Foundation had in place for the care of the deceased regarding her diet and nutrition were appropriate.

Goodman, Gladys ElizabethPre-inquest conference scheduled for 26 February 2025 at TBA.Deputy State Coroner Stephanie Gallagher1. The findings required by s45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; and
2. Other issues yet to be determined.
Haggett, Shirley ElizabethAdjourned DTBF for findings. Currently awaiting submissions.Deputy State Coroner Stephanie Gallagher1. The findings required by s45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003;
2. The adequacy and appropriateness of the pre-admission screening procedures and protocols at the Montserrat Day Hospital (Hospital) in the context of the following:* The Hospital’s licence limitations for the admission of patients to day surgery* The assessment of the suitability of high risk patients for admission to the Hospital for day surgery* The communication of pre-admission screening information to treating medical practitioners prior to the admission of patients to the Hospital for day surgery
3. The adequacy and appropriateness of the pre-operative surgical assessment of the suitability of the deceased to undergo day surgery at the Hospital including, but not limited to, the pre-operative estimate of the length of the surgery;
4. The adequacy and appropriateness of the pre-operative anaesthetic assessment of the suitability of the deceased to undergo day surgery at the Hospital;
5. The adequacy and appropriateness of the surgical management and treatment of the deceased intra-operatively;
6. The adequacy and appropriateness of the anaesthetic management and treatment of the deceased intra-operatively including, but not limited to, the choice of technique used to anaesthetise the deceased;
7. The adequacy and appropriateness of the surgical management and treatment of the deceased post-surgery;
8. The adequacy and appropriateness of the anaesthetic management and treatment of the deceased post-surgery;
9. The adequacy and appropriateness of the Hospital’s management and treatment of the deceased post-surgery;
10. The adequacy and appropriateness of the decision to transfer the deceased to the Redcliffe Hospital Emergency Department (ED) including, but not limited to, as to the timing of that decision;
11. The adequacy and appropriateness of the deceased’s management and treatment in the ED;
12. The adequacy and appropriateness of the deceased’s management and treatment in the Intensive Care Unit of the Redcliffe Hospital.
Ishak Ahmed, FaysalAdjourned DTBF for findingsState Coroner Terry Ryan

1. The findings required by s. 45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the deceased, when, where and how he died and what caused his death;

2. Based on the expert evidence, what was the likely cause of Mr Ishak Ahmed’s collapse on 22 December 2022 and could that have been identified and prevented prior to Mr Ishak Ahmed’s collapse;

3. The adequacy and appropriateness of the treatment and care provided to Mr Ishak Ahmed at the Manus Island Regional Processing Centre Immediately following his collapse on 22 December 2016, and whether any avoidable delay was outcome changing.

Jones, Anthony JohnAdjourned DTBF for findingsState Coroner Terry RyanThe findings required by s.43(4) – (a) so far as has been proved — (i) the cause and circumstances of the disappearance of such missing person; and (ii) whether such missing person is alive or dead; and (iii) if such missing person is alive or likely to be alive—the whereabouts of such missing person at the time of the inquiry; and (b) the persons (if any) committed for trial. The scope of the inquest is as follows: — (a) whether or not a person has died; (b) the identity of the deceased person; (c) when, where, and how the death occurred; (d) the persons (if any) to be charged with murder, manslaughter, the offence of dangerous driving of a motor vehicle causing death as set forth in the Criminal Code, section 328A, or any offence set forth in the Criminal Code, section 311.Yes
Jovanovic, IvonaAdjourned DTBF for findings. Currently awaiting submissions.Coroner Donald MacKenzie1. The findings required by s.45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the deceased person, where, when and how she died.No
Kerle, Wayne ThomasAdjourned DTBF for findings. Currently awaiting submissions.Deputy State Coroner Stephanie Gallagher1. The findings required by s. 45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the deceased, when, where and how he died and what caused his death.
2. The circumstances surrounding the death, including the appropriateness of: a. the decision of the arresting officer to arrest Wayne rather than issue him with a Notice to Appear (‘NTA’);b. the decision of the arresting officer to apply handcuffs to Wayne; c. the manual handling of Wayne by QPS Officers, including the placement of Wayne in the Police Van for transport to the Brisbane City Watchhouse; d. the monitoring by attending QPS Officers of Wayne’s health status, during search, arrest and transport to the Watchhouse; e. the attempted resuscitation of Wayne by QPS Officers;
3. Whether the Ambulance Officers involved provided appropriate care and/or assessment of Wayne;
4. Whether the training and equipment provided to Ambulance Officers to respond to like incidents is appropriate;
5. Whether the QPS Officers involved complied with the QPS policies and procedures then in force;
6. Whether the training and equipment provided to QPS Officers to respond to such incidents is appropriate; and
7. Whether any preventative recommendations might be made that could reduce the likelihood of deaths occurring in similar circumstances or otherwise contribute to public health and safety or the administration of justice.
Kerr, GeorgiaInquest scheduled for 11 to 13 February 2025 at 10:00am in Court 4 at BRISBANECoroner Stephanie Williams1. The findings required by s.45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003 (Qld); namely the identity of the deceased, when, where and how she died and what caused her death; and
2. The circumstances which led to Ms Kerr's arrival at Gold Coast University Hospital on 25 January 2021; and
3. The adequacy of the Queensland Police Service investigation into Georgia's death, including the decision on 2 March 2021 of Southport Criminal Investigation Branch to characterise the death as non-suspicious.
Thurlow, Shelia MaryPre-inquest conference scheduled for 29 January 2025 at 10:00am in  Court 4 at BRISBANEDeputy State Coroner Gallagher1. Determine the circumstances in which Mrs Thurlow was administered an overdose
of morphine during the procedure to insert an intrathecal pump;
2. Determine whether the procedure was carried out appropriately in all of the
circumstances, including but not limited to:
i. arrangements made with the hospital regarding the procedure;
ii. the qualifications and experience of the medical practitioners in respect of
this particular procedure;
iii. The attendance of the Medtronics staff in theatre; and
iiii. The pre, during and post-procedure care and treatment of Mrs Thurlow; and
3. Determine whether there are now adequate procedures in place to prevent similar
deaths from occurring in Ramsay hospitals and health services.
Makin, Rickie JamesAdjourned DTBF for findings. Currently awaiting submissions.Coroner Donald MacKenzie1. Findings required by s45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the deceased, when, where and how he died and what caused his death;
2. The adequacy of the Formal Safety Plan, Risk Assessment and consideration of weather conditions by The Wynnum Manly Sailing Club on 7 March, 2020;
3. The adequacy of the sailing skills, formal or standard training drills, recognised competencies, rescue drills (in particular man overboard skills) and management of safety equipment on the Lady Helena on 7 March, 2020;
4. Whether, given the prevailing weather conditions on Moreton Bay during the afternoon of 7 March 2020, the Wynnum Manly Sailing Club and/or the skipper of Lady Helena ought to abandoned participation in the yacht race that day?;
5. Whether any legislative or regulatory rules are warranted to mandate:
(i) the wearing of PFDs and/or other safety equipment during the participation in competitive yacht racing;
(ii) the wearing of other items or personal safety equipment which are appropriate.
6. Whether there are any further recommendations which can be made which could prevent deaths from happening in similar circumstances in the future.
Mason, Annette JaneAdjourned DTBF for findingsState Coroner Terry RyanThe findings required by s45 of the Coroners Act 2003:
1.  who the deceased person is;
2.  how the person died;
3. when the person died;
4. where the person died,
5. what caused the person to die.
Merlo, Mario GiovanniAdjourned DTBF for findingsState Coroner Terry Ryan1. The findings required by s. 45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the deceased, when, where and how he died and what caused his death;
2. Whether the police officers involved acted in accordance with the QPS policies and procedures then in force; and
3. Whether the investigation by ESC was appropriate and sufficient.
The court may also comment, pursuant to s46(1) of the Act, on anything connected to the death relating to public health or safety, the administration of justice or ways to prevent similar deaths from happening in similar circumstances in the future.
Minion, Kane JasonPre-inquest conference scheduled for 28 February 2025 at 10:00am in Court 15 at SOUTHPORTCoroner Amanda Bain1. The findings required by s45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the deceased person, when, where and how they died and the cause of their death;
2. the adequacy of meter reading advance notification procedures;
3. the availability of remote meter reading technologies and the adequacy of any rollout;
4. whether there are any further recommendations which can be made which could prevent deaths from happening in similar circumstances in the future.
Nixon-McKellar, Steven LeeAdjourned DTBF for findingsState Coroner Terry Ryan

1. The findings required by s 45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the deceased, when, where, and how, he died and what caused his death.

2. The circumstances surrounding the death including:

a. what, if any arrangements were made to transition Steven’s mental health treatment and care from the PMHS to a community mental health service when he was released on parole on 21 July 2021;

b. what, if any conditions was Steven subject to under a Treatment Authority, when he was released on parole on 21 July 2021, and whether or not Steven was compliant with those conditions;

c. what, if any engagement with illicit substance diversion programs Steven was offered when he was released on parole on 21 July 2021; and

d. what, if any conditions was Steven subject to under his parole order (including random testing for illicit substances), and whether or not Steven was compliant with those conditions.

3. Whether the ambulance officers involved, on 7 October 2021, provided appropriate care and/or assessment of Steven.

4. Whether the police officers involved, on 7 October 2021, complied with the Queensland Police Service policies and procedures then in force.

5. Whether the training provided to police officers to respond to the incident was appropriate, including:

a. the training provided to police officers in respect of the Lateral Vascular Neck Restraint; and

b. what is the current training provided to police officers in respect of the Lateral Vascular Neck Restraint.

6. Whether any preventative recommendations might be made that could reduce the likelihood of deaths occurring in similar circumstances or otherwise contribute to public health and safety or the administration of justice.

Olsen, JeffreyAdjourned DTBF for findingsCoroner Stephanie Williams 1.The findings required by s. 45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the deceased, when, where and how he died and what caused his death.
2.The appropriateness of the treatment and care provided to Mr Olsen by Innisfail Hospital and Cairns Hospital between 14 August 2020 and 6 October 2020, including:
a.the standard of care available at Innisfail Hospital with respect to adjuvant chemotherapy and whether the treatment and care provided in the relevant timeframe by Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service was consistent with:
i.Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service guidelines and procedures;
ii.Queensland Health guidelines and procedures;
iii.any other relevant guidelines or product information.
b.the recommendation, and the process for obtaining consent, to commence adjuvant chemotherapy treatment including with capecitabine;
c.whether Mr Olsen was a candidate for dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) enzyme deficiency testing;
d.whether DPD enzyme testing was available;
e.whether Mr Olsen could have been amenable to treatment with uridine triacetate;
f.whether uridine triacetate was available.
Pilkington, Peter OwenAdjourned DTBF for findingsState Coroner Terry Ryan1. The findings required by s45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the deceased, when, where and how he died and what caused his death.
2. Consideration of the circumstances leading up to the death including:
Mental health and other diagnosis, treatment and carea. Peter’s mental health treatment and care and any co-occurring substance use disorder.
Consideration of subject precipitated homicide, and the effect, if any, on first responders.
Gel Blasters
c. Consideration of the regulation of gel blasters (such as that used by Peter during the siege) in Queensland.
3. Whether the Police Officers involved acted in accordance with the Queensland Police Service (‘QPS’) policies and procedures then in force, and whether said actions were appropriate.
4. Whether any changes to procedures or policies could reduce the likelihood of death occurring in similar circumstances or otherwise contribute to public health and safety or the administration of justice.
Raisin, Mark James RichardAdjourned DTBF for findings. Currently awaiting submissions.Deputy State Coroner Stephanie Gallagher1. The findings required by s45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; and
2. Other issues yet to be determined.
Savage, Damon Paul WilliamAdjourned DTBF for findingsState Coroner Terry Ryan1. The findings required by s. 45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the deceased, when, where and how he died and what caused his death;
2. Whether the police use of lethal force against Mr Savage was in accordance with the Queensland Police Service ‘use of force’ policy in the Operational Procedures Manual at the time;
3. Whether there were any ‘less than lethal’ use of force options open to the officers which they did not take;
4. Whether the investigation by the Ethical Standards Command was appropriate and sufficient.
Schafer, Duke Allan WayneAdjourned DTBF for findingsState Coroner  Terry Ryan1. The findings required by s. 45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the deceased, when, where and how he died and what caused his death;
2. Mr Bloomfiel's assessment  and management whilst in QCS custody, including:
i. The adequacy and appropriateness of the provision of psychological and psychiatric treatment in accordance with the court recommendations, including but not limited to whether recommended treatment of prisoner, including medication, can be enforced and, if so, in what circumstances; and
ii. Whether the decision to reintegrate Mr Bloomfield into the mainstream prison population was appropriate.
The court may also comment, pursuant to s46(1) of the Act, on anything connected to the death relating to public health or safety, the administration of justice or ways to prevent similar deaths from happening in similar circumstances in the future.
Steinhardt, Wayne WilliamPre-inquest conference scheduled for 25 February 2025 at 10:00am in Court 15 at SOUTHPORTCoroner Amanda Bain1. The findings required by s. 45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely whether Mr Wayne William Steinhardt is deceased and if so, how, when and where he died, and what caused his death;
2. If deceased, the circumstances surrounding his death; and
3. If deceased, whether the actions of any other person caused or contributed to his death or the disposal of his body.
Tafaifa, SelesaAdjourned DTBF for findingsDeputy State Coroner Stephanie Gallagher1. The findings required by s45(2) of the Coroners Act
2. The adequacy and appropriateness of diabetes and insulin management of persons in custody at Townsville Women’s Correctional Centre;
3. The adequacy and appropriateness of the actions of Queensland Corrective Services staff on 30 November 2021
4. The appropriateness of the use of safety hoods in Queensland Corrective Services custody
5. The adequacy and appropriateness of mental health care of Selesa Tafaifa whilst in custody at Townsville Women's Correctional Centre during the period of incarceration from 25 November 2020 to 30 November 2021
6. The adequacy and appropriateness of the health management by Townsville Hospital and Health Service / Queensland Corrective Services on and from 27 July 2020
Thelander, Steven JohnAll  submissions received.  Adjourned DTBF for findings.Deputy State Coroner Stephanie Gallagher1. The findings required by s. 45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the deceased, when, where and how he died and what caused his death; 
2. Whether Steven Thelander, and those in charge of his care, were appropriately informed of the services MultiCap would provide him;
3. Whether MultiCap appropriately discharged their responsibilities to Steven Thelander?
4. Whether there are ways to prevent a death occurring in similar circumstances in the future.
Uittenbosch, Shane AnthonyAdjourned DTBF for findingsState Coroner Terry Ryan1. The findings required by s. 45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the deceased, when, where and how he died and what caused his death;
2. Whether Shane Uittenbosch had access to, and received appropriate medical care whilst he was in custody;
3. The management of Shane Uittenbosch while housed in the Detention Unit;
4. The conditions in the Detention Unit at the time of Shane Uittenbosch’s death;
5. The decision to place Shane Uittenbosch on a Safety Order;
6. The practice in relation to the use of Safety Orders at Wolston Correctional Centre at the time of Shane Uittenbosch’s death;
7. The adequacy of the monitoring of prisoners housed in the Detention Unit, including the equipment used.
Valera, GinaAdjourned DTBF for findingsState Coroner Terry Ryan

The findings required by s. 45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the deceased, when, where and how she died and what caused her death; and:

1.Whether the mental health care and treatment given to Ms Valera at BWCC, including suicide/self-harm risk assessments, was appropriate and sufficient;

2.Whether the assessment that Ms Valera was suitable for residential placement was appropriate in the circumstances; and

3.Whether the provision of laced running shoes to prisoners in Correctional Centres is appropriate.

The Court may also comment, pursuant to s46(1) of the Act, on anything connected to the death relating to public health or safety, the administration of justice or ways to prevent similar deaths from happening in similar circumstances in the future.

Vignes, Khrys Alan Mark-Kelly Adjourned DTBF for findingsState Coroner Terry Ryan1 The findings required by s.45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the deceased person, when, where and how he died and the cause of his death.
2 Examine the circumstances and events, which led to the decision by Police to shoot Mr. Vignes on 29 March 2020, including but not limited to, the actions of Mr. Vignes that day, the police response, and the engagement and search management strategies employed to locate him by Police.
3 Whether the police officers involved acted in accordance with the Queensland Police Service policies and procedures then in force and whether said actions were appropriate.
4 Whether the training and equipment provided to officers in responding to a similar incident is sufficient.
Washington, Ashley CharlesAdjourned DTBF for findingsState Coroner Terry Ryan1. The findings required by s45(2) Coroners Act 2003; namely the identity of the deceased, when, where and how he died and what caused his death;
2. Whether the actions of Senior Constable Williams were appropriate in the circumstances;
3. Whether the actions of attending Queensland Police Service officers were appropriate in the circumstances;
4. Whether the actions of the attending Queensland Ambulance Service officers were appropriate in the circumstances.
Whiskey Au Go-GoAdjourned DTBF for findingsState Coroner Terry Ryana. The findings required by section 45(2) of the Act in respect of each of the deceased persons, in particular, the circumstances that led to the WAGG fire;
b. Whether James Richard Finch and John Andrew Stuart were the only parties who caused or contributed to the deaths;
c. The identity of any other parties who caused or contributed to the deaths;
d. The adequacy of the investigations carried out into the causes of and parties responsible for the fire and the deaths, immediately thereafter, and over subsequent years;
e. Whether there are any matters about which recommendations might be made pursuant to section 46 of the Act.
Wieambilla deaths; Dare, Alan Thomas Brendon; McCrow, Rachel Clare; Arnold, Matthew Joseph; Train, Gareth Daniel; Train, Nathaniel Charles and Train, Stacey JaneAdjourned DTBF for findingsState Coroner Terry Ryan

The findings required by s. 45(2) of the Coroners Act 2003, namely the identity of each deceased person, when, where and how the person died, and what caused the person’s death; and

1.Consideration of the circumstances which led to the attendance of Constables Arnold, McCrow, Kirk and Brough at 251 Wains Road, Wieambilla on 12 December 2022, including:

a.The circumstances of Nathaniel Train’s unlawful entry into Queensland at Talwood in December 2021 and the adequacy of the subsequent police investigation.

b.The circumstances surrounding the issuing and broadcasting of a missing person’s report in relation to Nathaniel Train by the New South Wales Police Force in November and December 2022, including whether New South Wales Police Force officers acted in accordance with the relevant policies and procedures.

c.The information communicated by the New South Wales Police Force to the Queensland Police Service in the lead up to 12 December 2022, and the effect that that information had on the decision to send the four officers to the Wains Road property on 12 December 2022.

d.Consideration of the circumstances in Chinchilla and Tara police stations on 12 December 2022 which resulted in the decision for the four officers to attend the Wains Road property on the day and at the time they did.

2.Consideration of the circumstances surrounding the decision of Constables Arnold, McCrow, Kirk and Brough to enter the Wains Road property.

3.Consideration of the circumstances surrounding the fatal shooting of Constables Arnold and McCrow, including:

a.Who fired the shots that killed Constables Arnold and McCrow.
b.What guns and ammunition were used and whether they were obtained lawfully.
c.Whether Constables Arnold, McCrow, Kirk and Brough were adequately equipped and trained to respond to the incident.

4.Consideration of the circumstances surrounding the fatal shooting of Alan Dare, including:

a.Why Mr Dare attended at the Wains Road property and what information he had at the time of his attendance.
b.Who fired the shot(s) that killed Mr Dare.
c.What gun(s) and ammunition were used and whether they were obtained lawfully.

5.The adequacy and appropriateness of the Queensland Police Service response to the incident, other than the response by the Special Emergency Response Team, including:

a.Whether the Queensland Police Service communication system was adequate.
b.Whether appropriate advice was given to Constables Kirk and Brough whilst at 251 Wains Road, Wieambilla, up until such time as they were each able to exit the address.
c.Whether the Queensland Police Service Command and Control of the response to the incident, including communications about the incident to the Wieambilla community, including Mr Dare's family, was adequate and appropriate.
d.Whether the actions of the Queensland Police Service recovery and extraction team, including the decision to leave Alan Dare's body at the scene, were appropriate.

6.Consideration of the circumstances leading up to the shooting of Gareth Train, Stacey Train and Nathaniel Train by Queensland Police Service Special Emergency Response Team operatives, including whether the actions of the responding operatives were appropriate in the circumstances.

7.Consideration of the profiles and motivations of Gareth Train, Stacey Train and Nathaniel Train.

8.Whether anything was known to the authorities that would have indicated a risk that Gareth Train, Stacey Train and Nathaniel Train would act in the way they did on 12 December 2022, including the Queensland Police Service response to firearm related calls for service and investigations in the vicinity of the Wains Road property prior to 12 December 2022.

9.Whether any changes to procedures or policies could reduce the likelihood of deaths occurring in similar circumstances or otherwise contribute to public health and safety.

Wood, Jamie ShaunAll  submissions received.  Adjourned DTBF for findings.Deputy State Coroner Gallagher

1. The findings required by s45(2) of the Coroners Act; namely the identity of the deceased, when, where, and how he died and what caused his death;

2. Consideration of the circumstances leading up to the death including:

a. Jamie’s co-occurring substance use disorder and other mental health disorder/s including any personality disorder/s.

b. Was there appropriate treatment for mental health consumers, within the public health or community systems, such as those suffering the mental health condition/s with which Jamie was diagnosed?

c. Was Jamie an appropriate candidate for such treatment?

d. Was such treatment offered to Jamie?

e. Absent Jamie’s consent, could Jamie be compelled, over the period of contact he had with mental health services to undergo such treatment?

f. In all the circumstances, was the treatment afforded Jamie, for the mental health condition/s diagnosed, appropriate?

g. Whether there was any failure to provide appropriate care that caused or hastened the death.

h. Whether any aspect of the care actually provided, caused or hastened the death.

3. Whether any changes to procedures or policies could reduce the likelihood of death occurring in similar circumstances or otherwise contribute to public health and safety or the administration of justice.

Wright, Daniel ThomasAdjourned DTBF for findingsDeputy State Coroner Gallagher1. The clinical condition of and the care required by Daniel as at 6 February 2019;
2. Whether the transfer of Daniel from Townsville University Hospital to Mackay Hospital on 6 February 2019 was appropriate given his clinical condition and the care he required;
3. The clinical condition of and the care required by Daniel as at 28 February 2019;
4. Whether the discharge of Daniel from Mackay Hospital to the care of his parents on 28 February 2019 was appropriate, given his clinical condition and the care he required;
5. The clinical condition of and the care required by Daniel as at 19 March 2019;
6. Whether the discharge of Daniel from Mackay Hospital to the care of his parents on 19 March 2019 was appropriate, given his clinical condition and the care he required;
7. The appropriateness of the care afforded Daniel, and the support afforded his parents, by Mackay Hospital and Health Service during his admissions to and following discharge from the Mackay Hospital on 28 February 2019 and on 19 March 2019;
8. The appropriateness of the actions of the Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs in relation to Daniel;
9. The level of effective information sharing between Mackay Hospital and Health Service and Department of Child Safety, Youth Justice and Multicultural affairs in respect of Daniel; and
10. Comment, if any, pursuant to s46(1) of the Act, on anything connected to the death relating to public health or safety, the administration of justice or ways to prevent similar deaths from happening in similar circumstances in the future.